
Showing posts from July, 2022

NMAL Goes to the United Kingdom!

  This year, class 15 participated in the New Mexico Agricultural Innovation and Trade Mission trip to England and Scotland in late June. The international trip is everyone’s highlight of the NMAL program.   It gives members of the class an opportunity to gain a new perspective about global agriculture.   My primary goal of this trip was to learn more about their livestock systems, marketing, and management.   Our first two days were visiting with members of the US Embassy in London, the United Kingdom's department of Ag, and a member of parliament. On day three we traveled out to the country to visit with a variety of farms.  The first was Cragend Farm whose focus will be agri tourism and rare livestock breed preservation.  To conclude the day we visited with a commercial producer.  Their perspectives on agriculture we fairly different.  The first was more idealistic with profit from their animals as low priority and the other more pragmatic and production oriented.  By the end